This weekend - Bring your candles to be blessed - Purification of the Blessed Virgin
This weekend - Bring your candles to be blessed - Purification of the Blessed Virgin
The Sacrament of Baptism is first of the three Sacraments of Initiation and welcomes one into the Body of Christ. Infants are baptized with the expectation that their parents will raise them in the faith. Older children and adults are baptized as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. For more information please contact the office at 780-987-2858. Completed Baptism forms can be sent to with a copy of the Birth Certificate.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion classes are open to all children in grade 2 or higher who have received the sacrament of Baptism. This year’s classes will consist of workbooks for children and parents to do together at home and classes held at the church . Registration and Parent information Session will be held in October
Completed registration forms should be sent to
Material Fee can be e-transferred to
Confirmation classes are open to all children in grade 6 or higher who have received the sacraments of baptism and First Holy Communion.
Completed registration forms should be sent to
Material Fee can be e-transferred to
If you’re newly engaged and planning to get married, Congratulations! If you wish to get married at St. Maria Goretti please contact the parish office 6 months prior to the proposed marriage date to arrange a meeting with Fr. Luan at 780-987-2858.
God is still calling workers to his vineyard. If you think you might have a call to serve him as a priest or permanent Deacon, please contact Fr. Marc Cramer at the vocations office at 780-392-2445 ext. 6221, or come see Fr. Luan in the parish office.
Confessions are offered Saturday half an hour before Mass, or any time by appointment . Please call the parish office at 780-987-2858.
If someone in your family is ill and requires Fr. Luan, please contact the parish office at 780-987-2858.
Sacrament comes from the Latin word Sacramentum, which is how we usually translate the Greek word for ‘mystery.’ It could also be translated as ’a military oath of allegiance.’ From that perspective, there are two key thoughts here:
1) The Christian idea of ‘mystery.’ When we talk about a mystery (ie the Mystery of faith), we’re not trying to be Sherlock Holmes and solve something, but instead are invited to discover the many layered ways in which God is working in our lives.
2) The idea of an oath, pledge, guarantee, or promise: In every Sacrament, God renews His promises to give us grace (strength to do what we need to do), and we are invited to promise to love and follow Him.
YouCat explains further:
Celebrating the Christian Mysteries (Sacraments) is about encountering Jesus in Time. Until the end of time He is present in His Church. The most profound encounter with Him on earth is liturgy (divine worship.) …just as a man breathes air in order to stay alive, so too the Church lives and breathes by celebrating the liturgy. God himself is the one who breathes new life into her day by day and enriches her with gifts through His Word and His Sacraments. -YouCat 166
For information or to register please call the parish office at 780-987-2858.
Group Leader: The sacramental programs at St. Maria Goretti Catholic Parish are designed to accommodate the needs of our faith community. Volunteers are required to lead and assist in all the student preparation sessions. Parents are welcome and encouraged either to lead the sessions or assist while their child is attending.
f you require more information please contact Margaret Cargill, Educational Coordinator for St. Maria Goretti Parish at 780-987-0353 or
The rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program for the 2023/2024 year is currently accepting applicants. Please call the office to register.
Anointing of the Sick
If someone in your family is ill and requires Fr. Luan, please contact the parish office at 780-987-2858.
Next Baptism Preparation Class - As required - following current Alberta Health and Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton protocols.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Preparation Classes
Confirmation Preparation Classes
Priesthood/Permanent Diaconate (Holy Orders)
For more information or to register please call the parish office at 780-987-2858, or click below to get in touch with us.
St. Maria Goretti Parish
8 St. Clair Street, Devon, AB T9G 1J3, CA
Copyright © 2025 St. Maria Goretti Parish - All Rights Reserved.
Friday February 7 -- immediately after mass until 12 Noon